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You wake in the morning to the sound of water gently lapping at the hull. You throw on your swimsuit and your favourite summer dress because you plan on swimming before breakfast. As you walk into the saloon, you are greeted with a warm smile from your hostess. You move to the stern to take in the scenery, happy to have a moment to yourself. The yacht is anchored in a bay, wild nature surrounds and the Adriatic is showing off with dazzling hues of greens and blues. A deep peace washes over you. In one moment, you look up, there is the hostess with your coffee made just the way you like it – without asking. Work and daily life stresses seem a world away.

Coffee on board gulet Stella Maris

More of your friends slowly start to get up, and so do your children. Your daughter runs out and into your arms. This time aboard has been so precious, you remind yourself to make more conscious quality time for your family; this trip has reconnected you all in new ways and you don’t want to lose this. You let that thought go, return to the present moment and dive into the water with your daughter, her giggles fill your heart. As you step back aboard, there is the hostess with a towel – her presence is warm and accommodating without being intruding, she has helped set the tone of this relaxed holiday.

Everyone slowly gathers around the table for breakfast, another gorgeous spread is laid out before you. Fruit, yoghurt, croissants, muffins, tomatoes that taste like tomatoes, freshly squeezed orange juice, eggs… anything you want is available, nothing is a problem for this crew.

Gulet Stella Maris Breakfast

After breakfast, you chat with the Captain to talk about the day. The plan is to have another swim after breakfast then start sailing around 11 am to another bay for more swimming and lunch, before heading ashore early afternoon to explore Hvar town. The hostess explained some itinerary options the night before and already booked a wine tasting for a few of your guests – because you heard that Hvar has world-class wine, some of your group want to check out the beach bars and you plan on walking around town with your daughters to indulge in shopping. The hostess also recommended and made reservations at a restaurant for the evening, everything has been explained and arranged – you wonder if you can take the crew home with you to organise your daily life?

After everyone has finished swimming, the captain lifts the anchor and you start cruising. The gorgeous coastline drifts by and you head to the sundeck to catch some rays. The captain comes out again to tell you that there is a perfect breeze to open the sails if you want? As if it’s really a question! The crew hoist the sails, the engine is switched off and you are all transported to another time and place… the memory of this moment will stay with you forever. It’s been a while since breakfast, you start thinking to yourself – “I feel like something, but what?” And, just like magic, the hostess appears with a plate of juicy watermelon and a bottle of water!

Gulet Lotus Sailing Yacht

After sailing for a couple of hours, the captain finds another gorgeous bay to anchor in – you start to realise this captain knows the Adriatic like the back of his hand. The captain has anchored in perfect timing because you’ve warmed up in the sun and a dip in the Adriatic is just what you need.

After drying off, it’s lunchtime! You all gather around the table and are excited to see what the chef has in-store today. The hostess has been recommending a different local wine every day and you have been blown away by the quality, so you continue to trust her suggestions. Today you try a fresh and fruity Rose from the island Hvar – because that’s where you are. Every day has been better than the last. You knew you were excited about the sun and sea but you weren’t expecting a gastronomic journey too!

Because your group is so varied, you opted for a ‘family style’ lunch; so, every day the chef prepares several dishes to suit all of the preferences. Today there is grilled tuna, a seafood risotto, and even some slow-cooked lamb for the guys who wanted meat every day. There are also several sides of vegetables and gorgeous salads. Every dish is simple but so tasty. Oh, and the chef made a bowl of spaghetti for your little one because that’s what she felt like! This is the first holiday where everyone is satisfied, meals are now a joy instead of a fight, the only fight might be for the last herb-roasted potato! For dessert, it’s a light and fluffy cheesecake with a berry compote. Perfection. Time for an afternoon siesta for the adults while the kids play with the water-toys. How nice to relax knowing everyone is happy and safe.

Gulet MS Tajna Mora

After a relaxed afternoon, it’s time to get dressed then the crew take you ashore in the tender. The hostess has come along to point out a few things, then everyone heads in different directions. You realise how great it is to have time together but also the freedom for everyone to do what they want. When you’re ready to return to the yacht, you phone the crew and they pick you up instantly – everything seems so easy.

Exploring is great but it’s nice to come back to the yacht too, you realise just how at home you feel. The hostess greets you and says with a smile – cocktail hour? Yes! The hostess whips up all of your favourite cocktails and even some mocktails for the kids so you can all enjoy the sunset hour together. Time for dinner at a gorgeous seaside restaurant, set in amongst a tropical garden. How have you never known that the food in Croatia was so good?? You vow to tell all of your friends about this place when you return.

The night draws to a close and once again, you call the crew to collect you. You can’t help but notice that the smiles of the crew seem genuine – like they truly love what they do. Back aboard, it’s time for a nightcap, then one by one, everyone starts going to bed. You bid goodnight to the crew, and go to bed in your comfortable cabin, ready to do it all again tomorrow – and… you’re already looking at your calendar to book another week next year!

Gulet Lotus

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